August 23, 2013
Your website should do something for your business whether it provides information to your customers or sells products. Think about how your website could help you and your business. Make it work for you.
Your website should have its own domain name i.e. so that customers can easily find you.
Prepare an outline/plan to help you through the stages required to design, manage and promote your website.
Analyse your competitors websites, and develop a list of a few websites that you really like the look and feel of. From this develop a list of ideas for your website.
Plan the content for your website including text and images. Remember when planning your pages a potential customer should find the information they want within 3 clicks.
Provide a website brief for your website designer. Ask for feedback and ideas on how to make the website work for your business.
Choose a website designer who can grow with your needs. Select someone that you feel you can build a long term relationship with. Work with them to get your site online.
Promote your website on all of your printed business literature.
Make sure your business is listed with the main search engines. Search Engine Registration:
Develop a strategy to drive potential and current customers to your website. Measure your efforts by using your website statistics.