HTML: How-to Tips

June 28, 2013

HTML: How-to Tips

Here are some HTML tips to get the results you are looking for:

How to Make a URL/Website Address “Linkable”: This code:

<a href=”“></a> 
will make “” a clickable link.

Just substitute your website address into the above code and now you know how to “link” up a website address.

How to Create an Anchor Text Link: This code:

<a href=”“>Your Website Address</a> 

will make “Your Website Address” a clickable link.

How to Make Something Bold: This code:

<b>Make my words bold</b>
will make the words between the <b></b> code bold.

How to Make Something Italic: This code:

<i>Make my words italic</i>
will make the words between the <i></i> code italic.

How to Make Something Underlined: This code:

<u>Make my words underlined</u>
will make the words between the <u></u> code underlined.

How to Make a Bullet Point List: This code:

<li>First bullet</li>
<li>Second bullet</li>
<li>Third bullet</li>

will create a list with round bullets.

How to Make a Numbered List: This code:

  1. First point
  2. Second point
  3. Third point

will create a list with descending numbers for each point.